Top stocks according to Total Return Ratio
Every week we scan and test all the stocks on the major exchanges as part of our Alert HQ process. We look at multiple technical indicators including a few that we have devised here at TradeRadar. In addition, we perform fundamental analysis on the stocks to identify those situations where the value proposition appears to be attractive.
This report lists the top 50 stocks according to the Total Return Ratio formula made popular by fund manager John Neff. It combines the factors of EPS growth and dividend yield; therefore, it allows investors to enjoy both capital gains and income.
Price-Earnings Ratio (PE) is an important input into our analysis. We attempt to hit a sweet spot where we look for stocks where the PE is between 40% and 60% of the average market PE; not too low and not too high. We also try to pick those stocks where earnings growth is between 7% and 20% annually. Similarly, we look for year-over-year sales growth to be in that same 7% to 20% range. Working within these designated ranges allows us to focus on stocks where steady, unspectacular growth can be maintained.
Scroll down to review this week's data in a tabular format.