Alert HQ - free Buy and Sell signals

Alert HQ is your stock alert headquarters. Every week we scan and test almost all of the stocks and ETFs on the major U.S. exchanges. We evaluate trending, technical factors, cash flow, various fundamentals and more.
Alert HQ - our custom stock screening provides free stock picks, breakouts, momentum and trend trading opportunities.
Our custom stock screening tests to see which stocks are generating BUY or SELL signals right now and we publish lists of reversal alert signals every day.
We also generate lists of Trend Leaders, Trend Busters, Gaps, Bollinger Band Breakouts, Cash Flow Kings and timely Swing Trading Signals. We freely provide all these lists, too, as part of our Freemium business model.
How does it work?
Every week we review all the stocks listed on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ, over 6400 securities in all. Using our proprietary signal software combined with automated trend and moving average analysis and a host of technical analysis indicators we find those stocks that are just starting to make a move or are continuing bullish trends.
Looking for something for your stock watch list?
Alert HQ stock screening provides trend reversals, breakouts, stock picks and stocks to short.
Get the latest changes in trend with Reversal Alerts and Trend Busters --
Reversal Alerts: Our system assumes stocks establish trends over time. At some point, a given security's trend may reverse. Our software looks for that reversal point. If the reversal appears strong enough, it generates an actionable TradeRadar Reversal Alert BUY signal or SELL signal which we present here on the Reversal Alert pages.
Daily SELL signals - trend reversals to the downside based on daily data
Weekly BUY signals - trend reversals to the upside based on weekly data
Weekly SELL signals - trend reversals to the downside based on weekly data
Trend Busters: When a stock simply breaks an established trend line and begins heading in the opposite direction, we designate that stock as a Trend Buster. It may be busting out to the upside or breaking out to the downside.
Trend Busters Weekly - a free list of stocks breaking out or breaking down based on weekly data
Trend following, momentum, breakouts and other actionable BUY and SELL signals --
Using a host of standard technical analysis processes we combine indicators in unique ways to create our lists of Swing Signals, Momentum Stocks, Trend Leaders and Bollinger Band Breakouts. Our Gap Analysis lists are straightforward enough and we use our special cash flow analysis formula to generate our list of Cash Flow Kings.
Our alerts are perfect for adding to your stock market watch list of hot stocks. Use our signals for market timing, trend trading or swing trading. If you are a self-directed investor looking for stock market data, Alert HQ can be an extra stock screener and a source of new ideas for your own stock trading system or trading strategy.
50 Top Momentum Stocks - the 50 stocks showing the biggest bullish change in our proprietary Trend Performance Score
Trend Tracker - stocks with improving Trend Performance Score with more room to run - New!
Gaps - Stocks gapping up or down based on daily data
Gaps Weekly - Stocks gapping up or down based on weekly data
Cash Flow Kings - a list of the stocks with highest free cash flow
Swing Signals - a free list of swing trading stock tips featuring top stocks and ETFs
Bollinger Band Breakouts - hot stocks and ETFs making big moves based on daily data
Bollinger Band Breakouts Weekly - hot stocks and ETFs making big moves based on weekly data
Check out our Total Return Ratio page!
What you get at Alert HQ - and it won't cost a dime!
Every week we have signals based on daily data and signals based on weekly data. Cash Flow Kings, Weekly Reversal Alerts and Weekly Trend Busters are updated on a weekly basis and made freely available on Saturday mornings. The other lists are updated five times a week and are freely available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and then on Saturday mornings for our weekend round up.
When viewing our lists on their HTML pages, the data is sortable on every column. Hover over the symbol and see a chart. Click the symbol to go to the corresponding Stock Search page for in-depth fundamental and technical analysis, interactive charts and links to external data sources.
For more information on how we generate alerts and commentary on past alert lists, check the blog posts in the Alert HQ category.