You've already had some success in the stock market. We can help you do better.
Watch these videos and see what TradingStockAlerts can do for you!
Videos about the site:Videos about our Stock Screeners:
- How to use the Free Stock Screener
- How to use the Industry Inspector
- How to use the Premium Stock Screener
- How to use the Super Easy Stock Screener
- How to find value stocks that are breaking out
- Track changes in EPS on a weekly basis

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Money-making investments are out there. We can help you find them and successfully trade them.
With our E-Zone Trading System, Premium Stock Screener, Industry Inspector, Super Easy Stock Screener, Alert HQ, Stocks to Watch and Top 10 Lists you can...
- Use the E-Zone Trading System to know when to sell, when to buy
and when to be out of the market - Know which stocks are already trending upward
- Know which stocks are just now reversing to the upside
- Find solid, profitable companies that inspire confidence
- Find stocks that are now on the move
- Find stocks whose financials have recently shown improvement
- Find the industries where most of the stocks are showing strong trending action
- Compare fundamental valuation measures across 209 different industries
- Find stocks that are beating the market
Adopt a disciplined trading strategy with the E-Zone System

The E-Zone Trading System provides your personal stock timing and trading signals using the latest in genetic, adaptive programming.
- Let the E-Zone Trading System identify the Buy and Sell zones for each stock in your portfolio
- Use the next week's Exit & Entry Zones to determine whether to trade
- Protect your investments and avoid costly "Buy & Hold" mistakes
- Daily signals also available for those who choose to trade more agressively
Get the information that suits your investment style:
Growth, Value, Dividends, Momentum, Trend Following, Swing Trading, Position Trading, you name it...
- No matter what strategy or style you use, our stock screener's extensive combination of financial measures and technical indicators allows you to zero in on those stocks that measure up.
- Mix and match our stock screener criteria and build watch lists based on different industries or investment styles
Don't chase stocks. Get in early - be the first to find stocks making a move
- We especially focus on the most recent changes in financial fundamentals and changes in technical indicators that have taken place during the last few weeks or the last few days
- We have the only stock screener that allows you to adjust the date against which the screen is run
- Our email alerts can notify you as soon as an event occurs - breakouts, breakdowns, earnings, dividends, etc.

Find unknown gems
The robust combination of criteria in our screener, working against a database of over 6000 stocks, guarantees you will find some stocks that will be new to you but may make excellent investments
- Expand your investment universe to include over 6000 stocks, ETFs, ADRs and closed end funds, from micro-caps to mega-caps, domestic U.S. and foreign companies
- Be prepared to be surprised at some of the quality companies, flying under the radar, that our screener will identify