Market Signals - Stock Market Insights and Indicators
S&P 500 versus Market Moving Average Performance
- Use this chart to judge whether the market is over-sold or over-bought
- Use this chart to to assess market breadth
How the data in this chart is calculated
- This chart compares the S&P 500 to the number of stocks/ETFs that are above their 20-day moving average and above their 50-day moving average.
- This chart is updated on a weekly basis after the close on Friday.
How this chart can be adjusted to view different time periods
- The initial setting for this chart shows the intermediate-term view with data going back to January 2016. Here you can more clearly see where we are today.
- If you adjust the rangefinder or click the "All" button the chart shows the long-term view with data going back to January 2010.
In this case, you can better see the cyclical nature of the data over time and over the course of multiple drawdowns.
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Sector Ranking - find the best place to invest now
See which sectors are currently strongest based on our Trend Score calculation (Score of 6 is best, score of zero is worst). We are using Vanguard Sector ETFs to represent the various market sectors.
Strongest sectors are at the top of the table, weakest at the bottom.
To find the best stocks within a particular sector use our
Industry Inspector Stock Screener!
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Industry Ranking - top 20 industries based on current trend
See which industries are currently strongest based on our Trend Score calculation (Score of 6 is best, score of zero is worst). Strongest industries are at the top of the table, weakest at the bottom.
To find the best stocks within a particular sector use our
Industry Inspector Stock Screener!
(click on any Industry in the table below to view the list of stocks making up that industry)
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Market Valuation Indicator
Percentage of Stocks with reasonable to very good Valuation Scores
How it's calculated
- We calculate a Valuation Score for all the stocks that we track.
- We then count how many stocks have Valuation Scores that range from Reasonable Value to Deep Value and generate a percentage.
- We then apply a 5-day moving average.
- This data is generated on a weekly basis after the close on Friday
How it can be used
- Determine whether the market is over-valued or undervalued.
- For example, when the indicator is falling, it means more and more stocks are over-valued.
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Trend Score Oscillator
How it's calculated
- We calculate a Trend Score for all the stocks that we track.
- We then count how many stocks/ETFs have bullish Trend Scores and subtract the number of stocks/ETFs that have bearish Trend Scores.
- We do this on a daily basis and then apply a 5-day moving average.
How it can be used
- Can be used like a momentum indicator
- For example, when the oscillator is rising, it means more and more stocks are registering bullish Trend Scores. This implies bullish momentum is increasing.
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Trend Score Change Oscillator
How it's calculated
- With this indicator we count how many stocks/ETFs had a Trend Score that improved day-over-day and subtract the number of stocks/ETFs that had a decreasing Trend Score day-over-day.
- We then apply a 14-day moving average.
How it can be used
- Approach #1: See when the market is over-bought or over-sold
- For example, when the oscillator is well above zero, it means the market is entering an over-bought phase and active traders may want to become defensive.
- Approach #2: See when the market is peaking or bottoming
- In this case, when the oscillator is well below zero and begins to rise, it implies that the market has bottomed and active traders may want increase long positions.
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